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Accessing my Friday AM Columns

If you missed past Friday AM columns, I am making them available at this link. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RHBug3PyKzmqHKRS2aF...

Friday, March 8, 2019

How to Follow my Blog - UPDATE

I would love to see more people following my blog! If you would like to know when I upload a new post, click the blue "Follow" button below.

I am using a Google platform for this blog; from what I have read, you will need a Google account (ie a gmail address) to follow me.

Apparently the Google platform does not send email notifications when there is a new post. Instead, you have to go to "BLOGGER" in your Google account, and scroll down to "READING LIST". There you will see the Google blogs you follow and the list of postings.

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