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Friday, March 1, 2019


Before I talk about my thoughts on resilient communities, here is a diversion for a bit of fun: James Bay's Window Wanderland which happened last weekend. Through decorating windows with translucent designs, the neighbourhood was transformed with colourful windows. At night, these shone like stained glass, with the lights behind them.

This was the second year in a row that the community has had a Window Wanderland. There were workshops, with materials provided, at one of the community centres, for people to make their own creations.

We saw some of the designs, but missed many. The map below shows how many homes and facilities "lit up".

The New Horizons Centre served hot chocolate in the evenings for people to warm up and gather. We did not go to that; I spoke to a couple who had been and asked how many were there when they stopped by, and they said, "a few".

The concept of Window Wanderland is an import from an idea in the UK. Here is a website with more info: https://www.windowwanderland.com/

Because it is a new idea, like all news ideas, it will take some time to catch on and spread. But it is a great one.
Map of known participants in Window Wanderland
James Bay United Church had a big display, building on two lines from the hymn "All Things Bright and Beautiful":

James Bay United Church Windows

And here is one example of what people in an apartment building did:

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This is from the "sail" that neighbours walking on the street were encouraged to pull or move, to get the various wind chimes ringing.
I called this posting a "diversion" - but ultimately, community events like this are a key component to building a resilient community.

The website promoting the idea describes the objectives as "to build relationships, strengthen neighbourhoods, create pride and spread friendship, positivity, happiness and goodwill."  

What could be better?

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