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Sunday, February 3, 2019

Recipe for Living a Life

I have been musing about Mary Oliver and her ability with words. Less is always more, not only with poetry but almost everything in life!

Many decades ago I started writing about the challenge of making commitments in this time of uncertainty about the future, and my own tendency to see both sides of a question. Even though I felt passionate about the environment and nature, I found it hard to be an activist on the front lines, because too often I could see things from the other side. I was a thinker, not a "doer" - or so I thought.

My piece on commitment morphed and gained a working title of "Recipe for Living a Life". The subtitle was "Countering Despair and Lack of Hope".

Of course, the piece is not yet finished; the more I read, the more there is to tell. But not for Mary Oliver. She said it all in twelve words:

         Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.

Frost, Oregon Grape

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