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Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Little Mountain

The spring flowers are blooming at the top of Little Mountain! I walked to the top on Friday, and have not had time to post till now. Here are a few images from that day.

The shady cedar forest trails on the way to the top provide a cool respite on a warm day
Larch trees with their bright green growth.
This image was taken about a week earlier.

Chocolate Lilies were growing in profusion near the top
I have never seen so many Chocolate Lilies in one place! They are obviously very happy with the sunny, rocky location.
Chocolate Lilies and Indian Paintbrush

Heart-leafed Arnica growing in shadier areas

One of two small clumps of Fairy Slipper. Each year I hope I see these again. 

Fern-leafed Desert Parsley

Oregon Grape

Saskatoon bushes in flower
Little Mountain has suffered from the drought of the last few summers. The photo above shows the numbers of dead conifers.
Dieback on Juniper shrub - possibly also drought related
A map of the many trails at Little Mountain can be downloaded from the Trail Alliance site at http://www.shuswaptrails.com/trails.php?area=0&id=13

It is easy to get disoriented in the cedar forest and lose one's sense of direction, so taking a printed trail map, or putting it on your phone, is a good idea.

I always enjoy the contrast between the forested trails and the open views at the top.